Dynamic Flying New Rules

Here are a list of rules that have been updated. Please check the link below and feel free to ask any questions. New moves will be added next year. This year we wanted to clean up a few of the existing rules and give another year to encourage 4 way teams. These rules will start 2017. Windgames will be the new updated rules. Enjoy!

Words by Adam Mattacola – More info at http://www.dynamic-flying.com/updates

Updates from the workshop October 2016

New rules start January 2017

Head up circles and head up shuffler

All transitions to head up must be performed and finished before any part of the body touches the sideline. If you touch the sideline whilst transitioning of are fully in position when you pass the sideline this will result in a 5 second penalty.

Barrel roll

You must start the barrel roll on your belly when your head is in line with the sidelines… It will be a bust if the barrel roll is performed before or after your head is at the sideline it will result in a 5 second penalty.


You must be completely on your side of the centre line when you start the bottom loop. Any sign of the transition and you are not completely on your side of the centre line will result in a 5 second penalty .


You must be completely on your side of the centre line when you start and finish the mixers.
Mixers – head down snakes. The mixer finishes once you have done the bottom loop to head down.
Mixers – head up snakes . The mixer finishes once you have done the back layout through you belly and are in head up position before you stall back.
( Head up outface position before you stall back is when you need to be completely on your side of the centre line.)

All turns during verticals

Every single turn you perform during verticals must be towards the finish sideline including barrel rolls. ( Sideline is usually coloured blue)
So each page you will turn in the opposite direction.
Example : Classics from head up snake and head down snakes. Head down turn on page 1 and 3 will be right shoulder forward and page 2 will be left shoulder forward and for the head up turn during the classic on page 1 and 3 will be right shoulder forward and page two will be left shoulder forward.


You must perform the head down 180 turn before your head gets below the ring


You must be completely on your side of the centre line when you start and finish the verticals. You can drift over during the vertical but must finish back on your side. All verticals start and finish head down.

Challenge the bust

We plan to have a “challenge” for competitors.
A challenge is where a team can challenge the judges decision on a bust. The judge will then check camera footage to determine wether or not it was a bust. If it is a bust you can not challenge again in the whole competition.
If you challenge the judge and it is not a bust you do not lose your challenge.
All teams get only 1 challenge during the whole competition.

This will not always be possible due to the tunnels technology and camera set ups. When this is possible and the cameras are in place, this rule will apply. When the camera set ups are not possible or are not in place this rule will not apply.

For more information visit DynamicFlying.com


Competitions, Knowledge